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Kilkenny Branch

Activities in RSTA Kilkenny Branch

Branch Email:

Branch Secretary:  Joan Murphy         Branch Chairperson: Mary Durkin

Branch meetings are usually held in the The Club House, Patrick St, Kilkenny.

Members are notified of all branch meetings and activities by email, so if you wish to be included on our email contact list, please email

Events held this year to date include a wonderful outing to Altamount gardens, a visit to the Watergate Theatre to see 'An Cailín Ciuin', a meeting to discuss future plans and a talk on Healthy Living, a visit to the Butler Gallery. . . . and more.


February - date to be decided:  Outing to the Wexford Wildfowl Reserve. (Car Pooling.)

Other events being planned - a CPR course, A history talk (We are awaiting confirmation from speaker), a book club.

RSTA National Conference: April 29th - May 1st. Ormond Hotel Kilkenny.

Early booking is advisable. Details in the RSTA Newsletter and the Home page of this website.

May 2025:  A visit to the Botanical Gardens, Kilmacurragh, Wicklow.

If you are interested in any of these events, contact Joan at the above email address.