About Us (8)

About Us

Launch of RSTA Members Handbook

A new RSTA Members Handbook was launched at the 2024 Annual Conference in Wexford.

For members the Handbook provides an overvew of RSTA, its origin, policies and structures.

For branch officers the Handbook is an invaluable resource providing the guidance and information required in the exercise of their various roles in the branch.

Copies of the Hanbook were distributed to the branch delegates at Conference and will be made available to new members on registration.

The handbook is available to view download and print here.


Rules and Constitution of RSTA

(as amended at the RSTA National Conference 2023)


Click on the link to read/download/print:  Rules_Amended_2023_Nat_Conf.pdf






Data Protection and Privacy Policy - Draft Protocol ( November 2018)

RSTA is obliged to collect and process the personal information of members in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into effect in May 2018.  The RSTA Data Protection and Privacy Policy sets out how we collect, use and safeguard members' data. The RSTA National Committee is finalising the policy and a draft copy of the Protocol for Officers and Members in available at the following link:  GDPR Draft Protocol06/12/2018, 09:39

Irish Data Protection Commissioner
Further information on your data privacy rights are available on the website of the Irish data protection commissioner. http://www.dataprivacy.ie


Unless otherwise stated, the copyright and any other rights in all material on this site are owned by RSTA. You are permitted to print and download extracts from this site on the following basis:

Use of documents and related graphics on this site is for information and/or personal use only;
Any copies of these pages saved to disk or to any other storage medium may only be used for subsequent viewing purposes or to print extracts for personal use.
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No part of this site may be reproduced or stored in any other site or included in any public or private electronic retrieval system or service without RSTA's prior written permission. No use or display may be made of the name or logo of RSTA without RSTA's prior written permission
Any rights not expressly granted in these Terms are reserved.


The contents of these pages are provided as an information guide only. They are intended to enhance public access to information about RSTA. While every effort is made in preparing material for publication no responsibility is accepted by or on behalf of RSTA for any errors, omissions or misleading statements on these pages or any site to which these pages connect. RSTA reserves the right at any time to revise, amend, alter or delete the information provided on this site.
Although every effort is made to ensure the reliability of listed sites this cannot be taken as an endorsement of these sites.

The following represents the information gathering and dissemination practices of RSTA.


A user can access our site without providing any information at all. Services that currently require some form of sign up include:

* Submission of an enquiry via the "Contact Us" page.

The information collected when a user signs up for a service can include an email address and name plus other contact details.
We do not follow a user's browsing path outside of our websites.

Information Automatically Logged
We log your IP address, browser's user agent, and referring address to assist in the administration of our servers and website and to identify unique users. Your IP address is also used to gather broad demographic information.

External Links
This site contains links to other sites. RSTA is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.

This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be 100 per cent secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, RSTA. cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk. Once we receive your transmission, we make our best effort to ensure its security on our systems.

Contacting the Website
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, or the security practices of this site, you can contact RSTA. at info@rsta.ie

Irish Data Protection Commissioner
Further information on your data privacy rights are available on the website of the Irish data protection commissioner. http://www.dataprivacy.ie

Contact RSTA: info@rsta.ie

RSTA is a voluntary organisation serving retired secondary teachers in Ireland since 1962

Newly retired secondary teachers find in the RSTA an important point of contact with colleagues who have already experienced the change in circumstances of moving from full-time teaching into retirement.Through its network of branches across the country RSTA organises events and travel at home and abroad that enrich the personal lives of members and foster our interest in and commitment to learning.  

The RSTA Newsletter and website are sources of information on areas of public policy relevant to retired teachers.  

The Association liaises with kindred organisations and is a voice specifically to represent retired secondary teachers in the public advocacy of retired people.

The aim of the Association is to promote the wellbeing of retired second level teachers by pursuing the following objectives:

  1. to advance the welfare of retired second level teachers and in particular to protect pension entitlements on the principle of parity with teaching salary, equitable taxation and social protection measures;
  2. to provide a point of social contact for retired second level teachers by facilitating members in sharing their talents and interests, utilising their specialist expertise and working together for the mutual benefit of members;
  3. to disseminate among retired second level teachers information and expert opinion on matters affecting them;
  4. to provide a forum for analysis and debate and formulation of responses to developments that impinge on the lives of retired second level teachers.

RSTA promotes these objectives through pubic advocacy independently and in association with teacher and public service unions and by liaising with kindred organisations.

Organisational Structure

  • The RSTA is a voluntary national organisation with a branch network.
  • The governing body of the Association is the National Conference.
  • The Annual National Conference elects from amongst the general membership a President, Vice President, National Secretary, National Treasurer and seven other members who form the National Committee.


Membership of RSTA is open to all retired second level teachers. Membership is granted on completion of the RSTA Application Form and the payment of the annual membership fee to the National Treasurer.  Members choose the branch of the Association they wish to join.


The Association is funded by an annual membership subscription. Subscriptions are paid directly to the National Treasurer; a portion of subscription income is retained by the National Committee and the balance is allocated to the branches on the basis of the number of members in the branch.

RSTA Rules and Constitution

Click on the link to read the Rules and Constitution as approved at the RSTA National Convention 2019:

Our Logo

The National Committee had for some time recognised the need for a logo which would clearly establish the unique identity of the RSTA.  The 50th anniversary year seemed an opportune time to act and the decision was taken to engage the services of west of Ireland firm  Avenir to design a logo which would represent the values and aspirations of our organisation as we look forward to the next 50 years of growth and development for RSTA.   A questionnaire from Avenir which sought to establish what RSTA was about was circulated and the collated responses provided the direction to Avenir for the creation of the new design.



Avenir have suggested the following description of the logo:

“The RSTA logo is understated in style and hopes to communicate simply and intuitively the values which RSTA aspires to represent.  The main focus is on the acronym RSTA with a tagline in lower prominence to the right.  Drawing lightly on the torch symbol from the original RSTA website, the new logo suggests a flame rising from the “t”, the only character rising above the level of the others.  A lowercase typeface was selected for its approachable and informal character.  The dark blue hints at traditional, educational values.  The blue letters frame the warm, light-giving, and dynamic qualities of the deep orange colour to indicate the friendship and life enhancing aspects of RSTA membership.” 

(Contact National Committee at info@rsta.ie)

RSTA National Committee 2023/2024

President:  Susie Hall (Dublin)

Vice President: Norma Fitzpatrick

National Secretary: Micheál O'Neill (Wexford)

National Treasurer: Pat Younger (Wexford)

Immediate Past President: Padraic O'Doherty (Midland)

Committee Members:

Henry Collins (Waterford)

Carmel Heneghan (Mayo)

Marion Lyons (Dublin)

Mattie Finnerty (Tipperary)

Mary Francis O'Conghaile (Galway)

Norma Fitzpatrick (Cork)

       Muriel McNicholas (Mayo)

Jack Keane (Clare)


Nat Comm 2023


RSTA Data Protection and Privacy Policy (2018)

RSTA is obliged to collect and process the personal information of members in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into effect in May 2018.  The RSTA Data Protection and Privacy Policy sets out how we collect, use and safeguard members' data. Click on the link to read the policy: RSTA_GDPR_POLICY.pdf

Irish Data Protection Commissioner

Further information on your data privacy rights are available on the website of the Irish Data Protection Commissioner. http://www.dataprivacy.ie


Unless otherwise stated, the copyright and any other rights in all material on this site are owned by RSTA. You are permitted to print and download extracts from this site on the following basis:

Use of documents and related graphics on this site is for information and/or personal use only;
Any copies of these pages saved to disk or to any other storage medium may only be used for subsequent viewing purposes or to print extracts for personal use.
No documents or related graphics on this site are to be modified in any way
Graphics on this site are not to be used separately from the accompanying text
No part of this site may be reproduced or stored in any other site or included in any public or private electronic retrieval system or service without RSTA's prior written permission. No use or display may be made of the name or logo of RSTA without RSTA's prior written permission
Any rights not expressly granted in these Terms are reserved.


The contents of these pages are provided as an information guide only. They are intended to enhance public access to information about RSTA. While every effort is made in preparing material for publication no responsibility is accepted by or on behalf of RSTA for any errors, omissions or misleading statements on these pages or any site to which these pages connect. RSTA reserves the right at any time to revise, amend, alter or delete the information provided on this site.
Although every effort is made to ensure the reliability of listed sites this cannot be taken as an endorsement of these sites.

The following represents the information gathering and dissemination practices of RSTA.


A user can access our site without providing any information at all. Services that currently require some form of sign up include:

* Submission of an enquiry via the "Contact Us" page.

The information collected when a user signs up for a service can include an email address and name plus other contact details.
We do not follow a user's browsing path outside of our websites.

Information Automatically Logged
We log your IP address, browser's user agent, and referring address to assist in the administration of our servers and website and to identify unique users. Your IP address is also used to gather broad demographic information.

External Links
This site contains links to other sites. RSTA is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.

This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be 100 per cent secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, RSTA. cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk. Once we receive your transmission, we make our best effort to ensure its security on our systems.

Contacting the Website
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, or the security practices of this site, you can contact RSTA. at info@rsta.ie


RSTA maintains a working relationship with the following organisations:


Since its foundation in 1962 RSTA has enjoyed a close working relationship with ASTI. Founding members of RSTA had been actively involved in the 1950’s campaign to secure an adequate pension scheme for second level teachers. The leaders of the newly formed Retired Secondary Teachers’ Association continued the campaign and extended its focus to secure improved benefits for retired teachers.

In advancing the cause of its retired members today RSTA regularly meets with officers and officials of ASTI. RSTA members currently serve on the Retired Workers Committee of ICTU. RSTA members, the majority of whom are emeritus members of ASTI, bring the perspective and experience of the retired teacher to deliberations of ASTI at branch and national levels. ASTI continues to support RSTA financially through an annual subvention and by facilitating meeting of the National Committee at ASTI head office. Copies of the ASTI journal ASTIR and the ASTI diary are distributed to members of RSTA.

RSTA advises retiring teachers to apply for emeritus membership of ASTI by application through their local ASTI branch or ASTI head office.

Retired Workers’ Committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions

This committee represents the retired workers of all trade unions affiliated to ICTU, retirees with state pensions, public service pensions and occupational pensions. Its main aim is to protect and improve the living standards of all retired workers through the holding of seminars and information meetings and making submissions to the Government. A delegate of the committee attends the meetings in Brussels of The European Federation of Older People. RSTA members take an active part in the workings of the Retired Workers Committee.

RSTA Representatives on RWC: Henry Collins, Ger O'Donoghue and Susie Hall and Marie Doyle. 

Alliance of Retired Public Servants

The Alliance is comprised of pension organisations representing over 100,000 retired public servants - including former civil servants, local authority and health employees, teachers, nurses, doctors, gardai, defence force personnel and others.

The Alliance came together informally in 2013 against the background of public service pensioners having no voice in relation to the introduction by government of emergency legislation reducing pensions. Following a meeting with the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the Alliance was established on a formal basis in 2014.

RSTA representatives on the Alliance: Marie Doyle and Michael Moriarty.

National Federation of Pensioners Associations

Founded in 1976 the Federation represents twenty pensioners’ associations from the public and private sectors. The Federation makes a pre-budget submission each year with emphasis on health, travel and equality as they affect the lives of its members.