RSTA Dublin Branch

Dublin Branch

Branch contact:

Branch AGM 4 October 2023

Officers elected for  2023/24: Bernadine O'Sullivan (Chairperson), Deirdre Chadwick (Hon. Secretary),  Edward McCarthy (Hon. Treasurer).


Wednesday 19th June: Summer Lunch in Wynn's Hotel at 1 pm.

Wednesday 17th July:  Private Guided Tour of Glasnevin Cemetary. Assemble at 11am. Members may wish to continue on to the Botanic Gardens and/or have lunch.

Wednesday 14th August:  Private guided tour of Chester Beatty Library. Assemble at 11 am.

Wednesday 4th September: First branch meeting of the new season in the Teachers' Club, Parnell Square at 11 am. Solicitor Bernadette Parte has agreed to return to talk about setting up enduring power of attorney and advanced healthcare directives.

Members who wish to attend the lunch, the Glasnevin and Chester Beatty tours and who have not already put their names down can contact the branch secretary, Deirdre Chadwick at: for details and cost of each event.

Wishing all members a happy and healthy summer.

June Branch Meeting:  We had a most interesting illustrated talk on Smock alley.

Report - Branch Meeting 7th February

The first Branch meeting of the year was addressed by a solicitor on the subject of making a will.  The meeting was followed by a "Meet and Greet" event with tea/coffee and scones. Click on the link to read the full report of the meeting and future branch activities with more photos from the meeting: Dublin_Branch_Feb24.pdf


6th March Meetiing: Talk on Smock Alley Theatre

3rd April Meeting: We will discuss the motions for the Annual Conference so that our voting delegates can bring forward the wishes of the branch members.Since it will be Easter week, the meeting will be followed by a 'finger food' lunch which can be booked at the March branch meeting.


 Branch Visit to National Maritime Museum - July 2023

National Museum visitSome 20 members visited the National Maritime Museum in Dunlaoghaire for a guided tour led by Joe varley, retired ASTI member.

Following the tour, members had lunch in some of the many restaurants in the vicinity.

Read the full report of the visit here: National_Museum_visit.png







 Dublin Branch Summer Lunch 2023

Dublin Lunch 23On June 21st the Dublin Branch celebrated another successful year of activities with our tradtional Summer Lunch, which was attended by 37 members.

A delicious lunch was served in the magnifcent Art Deco dining room of Wynn"s Hotel. On arrival, members were given a ticket and after the lunch there was a draw for prizes. 

Everone was in excellent spirits and all declared that it had been a really wonderful day.

View more photos from the lunch here:







Report on Branch Outing to Russborough HouseOuting_to_Russborough_House.pdf

Russborough 1


View some more photos from the Russborough trip

and other branch events here: