RSTA Waterford Branch

Upcoming Activities in RSTA Waterford Branch

Branch Email:

View photos of RSTAw members here:


Summer 2024 Dates for your Diaries

  • Monday 8th July:  Day excursion to Doneraile
  • Thursday 22nd August: Summer Lunch at the Park Hotel, Dungarvan
  • Wednesday 11th September: Morning visit to Portlaw

Notice and Booking Form for each event will be issued closer to the date.

Enjoy the Summer Sunshine!


Annual Report  - RSTAw Activities and Events 2022/2023

Read the report of a very busy year for members of RSTAw here: Annual_Report.pdf


The Travel Committee regrets that it has not been possible to assemble a package for an RSTAw Autumn trip to Valencia. The Committee looked at various dates and hotel options but there were difficulties with each of them. The tour operator agreed with the Committee to return in September with a definite itinerary that can be put to members for a trip to Valencia in May 2024.

Cookery Demonstration with Edward Hayden - March 2023

Cookery Demonstation


Some 40 members of the branch were thrilled to return

to this very popular event.

Edward demonstrated a range of sweet and savoury dishes

which were available for tasting afterwards.






Photo/Orienteering Event - June 2023

Photo orienteering event


A new event this year which we hope might become and annual one!

The event took place around the Viking Triangle area of the city. 

A glorious mornng in the sunny south east and a very lively event which we hope to repeat next year in another partof the country.