Limerick Branch
Branch email:
Hon Branch Secretary: Ann O'Reilly
Branch meetings are held on first Wednesday of the month in the South Court Hotel. Our members are notified ofbranch activities and meetings by text message. New members are always welcome.
View photos of branch activities here:
Wednesday November 6th at 2 pm in the Southcourt Hotel: Annual Mass for deceased members and relatives.
We will have a brief meeting prior to the Mass and it will be followed by tea/coffee and scones.
We are currently planning our Christmas lunch for early December -details to follow.
Please check your emails as all notifications will be sent by email from now on.
We had a great turnout for our September meeting which was an informal meet-up with refreshments.
Report on Branch Trip to Portumna - May 15th 2024
Our members enjoyed a fabulous day trip to Portumna in May. As usual the trip was well researched and organised by our extremely hard working chair, Joan Eason. We had guided tours of Portumna Castle and gardens and also the workhouse. It was an interesting insight to both sides of life in past times, the priveleged and the poor. The beautiful weather also played a part. Great coffee and lunch breaks kept our energy levels up and gave us time to chat and catch up.
Branch Outing - Wednesday 7th February2024
Walking Tour of Georgian Limerick and Guided Tour People's Museum February 7th

February Branch Meeting Report
Our meeting on Lá Fhéile Bríde was held in the Southcourt Hotel. A busy meeting with updates on planning for hosting the AGM in May and two very different guest speakers
Ger O'Donoghue gave us a very informative talk on pensions and entitlements. Tom Twomey gave an illustrated talk on a local but relatively unknown event from 1920, a raid on an IRA-organised fundraising dance held in Caherguillamore House, Co Limerick. Tom has a podcast on the topic on Limerick City Community Radio. (The History Show.)
Future plans include a trip to Dublin and Epic Museum in March. A trip abroad is currently being investigated for the autumn.
(Click on the link to view some more photos from Limerick: