News (85)

Listening Volunteers needed in Cork.

Cork ARC Cancer Support House are looking for compassionate, enthusiastic and committed people who are willing to spare some of their free time to help in our Drop-in Centres in Bantry and Cork city.  This is a vital service where those affected by cancer, their families and friends can call in or ring in confidence to one of our trained volunteers in a relaxed atmosphere.  If you would like to make a real difference, please call Trisha on 021 4276688 or email

Launch of RSTA Members Handbook

A new RSTA Members Handbook was launched at the 2024 Annual Conference in Wexford.

For members the Handbook will provide an overvew of RSTA, its origin, policies and structures.

For branch officers the Handbook will be an invaluable resource providing the guidance and information required in the exercise of their various roles in the branch.

Copies of the Hanbook were distributed to the branch delegates at Conference and will be made available to new members on registration.

The handbook is available to view download and print at the About Us page of this website.

Monday, 10 June 2024 10:11

June 2024 Newsletter

Waterford RSTA branch are planning a trip "retracing the final journeys of Irish soldiers and others who died in World War 1." The branch has invited members in other branches who may be interested to join them. Niamh Crowley of the Waterford branch has written:

"The trip is being organised by Gerry Moore, a History teacher, who retired from Glenties Community School a year ago.  I know Gerry from the History Teachers' Association of Ireland and he has been involved in several very innovative projects with students and teachers exploring the memory of Irish soldiers who fought in World War 1, including the My Adopted Soldier project which was featured on Nationwide on RTE.  The arrangements for the trip are being made by Gerry Bergin of The School Tour Company."

You can signal your interest by sending and email to:

Full details of the trip including itinerary and costs are included in the following link: WW1_trip-1.pdf

Retired Teachers/Working as Substitute - Update (April 2024)

Information and worked examples of how working as a substitute interacts  with your pension have been provided by the Department of Education.

For  further information see the Department website at:


or click this link: working-as-a-substitute-while-receiving-a-teacher-s-pension.pdf





Three Retired Teacher Organisations combine in Sligo to host  event.

The Sligo RSTA has sent us a report of a recent event which was organised through the co-operative efforts of the retired members of the three teacher unions RSTA, RTAI and TUIRMA.

A lecture entitled The Wisdom of Our Ages by Gerry Farrell was presented in the Black Box of the Model and Niland Centre Sligo on 12th March 2024.

This is the second successful event the RTS (Retired Teacher Sligp) has hosted.


Read a full report and view photos of the event here: Sligo_report.pdf

Sunday, 11 February 2024 16:26

January '24 Newsletter

Tuesday, 19 September 2023 11:55

September '23 Newsletter


The Department of Education has issued a circular and has sent notices to retired teachers regarding changes in the arrangements for employment as a substitute while receiving a teacher's pension:

Read, download and/or print the information on working as a substitute at the link below.



Relevant Department Circular: 

(Circular 24 2022 Guidance on the application of Abatement of Public Service Occupational Pensions)



Keep up to date on all the latest RSTA news and events in our branches around the country.

To access our Facebook page log in to Facebook and search for "RSTA Teachers".

To access our Twitter page at:  @RSTA Ireland




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