HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS RECENTLY? Remember to contact rstatreasurer@gmail.com with your new email address to ensure RSTA has your correct contact details.
Members from nine RSTA Branches recently attended the Annual Coffee morning with ASTI. Cllick on the link below to see pictures from the event: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmLk3NsS
(L to R) RSTA President Padraic O'Doherty with Kieran Christie ASTI General Secretary, Deirdre McDonald ASTI President, Padraig Murphy ASTI Teasurer.
Click on the link to see more pictures from the coffee Morning: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmLk3NsS
Reports from Meetings of the Alliance of Retired Public Servants - November 2019.
The Alliance represents over 14,000 retired Public Servants (Gardai, Defence Forces, Nurses, Teachers, Civil Servants etc.) The RSTA representative on the Alliance is Carmel Heneghan, immediate Past President. The two links below contain her reports to the National Committee at their recent meeting on two meetings of the Alliance.
The first meeting was with BrĂd Smith TD on 1st November 2019 on the important issue of representation for retired workers. Current legislation precludes Unions from representing retired members.
The second meeting with DEPRA on 5th November 2019 covers a range of issues including pension restoration, pay parity etc.
Further information on the Alliance activities is available in the Pensions - Alliance section of this website.
The Head of the Department of Geography in Blackrock College has contacted RSTA requesting us to let our members know of an opportunity for jobs on a short course he is organsing for March 2020. Click on the link for further details: Physics_and_Science_.pdf