The RSTA President and members of the National committee at their recent meeting with ASTI.
Back: Micheal O'Neill, RSTA National Secretary, Pat Younger, National Treasurer, EAmonn Dennehy, ASTI, Padraic O'Doherty, RSTA and Padraic Murphy, ASTI
Front: Kieran Christie, ASTI General Secretary, Susie Hall, RSTA President, Geraldine O'Brien, ASTI President.
The September 22 eBulletin has been circulated to all members on the RSTA email contact list. It contains information on the latest update of the Building Moment Agreement. The Bulletin can be read/downloaded at the link below:
Many Branches have now resumed their schedules of meetings, events and activites. Please check the Branch Activites menu on this site for notices.
Please email your branch notices for inclusion on the list to:
Note: New RSTA members are always referred to the Branch Activities menu on this site for details of their local Branch's contact details and notices of Branch activities/events. Make sure they have something to see!