News (85)

PENSION RESTORATION.  The full text of the Statement by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Mr Brendan Howlin T.D. on the phased reduction of some Public Service Pension Reductions is available here  

Department Circular 18/2015: Changes to the Public Service Pension Reduction (PSPR) is available at:

Response from the Alliance

A Statement by the Alliance of Retired Public Servants in response the Minister's proposals is available  here

Monday, 02 November 2015 16:56

Summer 2015 Newsletter

Thursday, 19 March 2015 00:53

Spring 2015 Newsletter

A report from the March 2015 meeting of the Alliance of Retired Public Servants is available here: Alliance_Report.pdf

The first Newsletter of the Alliance was published in January 2015.  To keep up to date on current pension related developments read the Newsletter here:  January 2015 Newsletter

Tuesday, 09 September 2014 10:04

Summer 2014 Newsletter

 Members of the Cork Branch AGM Organising Committee

(L to R)  Back row: Nuala Buckley, Liam O'Longaigh, Pat Browne, RSTA President Henry Collins.  Front row: Treasa Healy, Maire NĂ­ Laoghaire, Rena Hennessy.

The Annual General Meeting of the RSTA took place in the Gresham Metropole Hotel, Cork on Wednesday, May 8th.  It was attended by 72 members.  Many delegates had travelled to Cork on the previous evening and enjoyed a pleasant meal together which set the mood for the following day.

The meeting began on Wednesday morning at 10 am with short talks on behalf of The Global Classroom, the St Vincent de Paul Society and the ASTI Credit Union. This was followed by a coffee break and then the main business of the meeting got under way.

There was a moment for quiet reflection during which the names of deceased members were remembered.  This was followed by the Minutes of the previous AGM, Reports from the Secretary and Treasurer and Election of the Officers and National Committee. Five were proposed, seconded and passed.  The Cork, Mayo and Midland Branches mentioned trips they are planning, details of which would be posted on the website.  The meeting drew to a close at 1 pm.

After lunch, Liam O'Longaigh led a large group on a walking tour of Cork city.  We started out in beautiful sunny weather but had several sleet showers during the course of the walk. Despite this, all who participated thoroughly enjoyed the afternnon.  Liam has an encyclopaedic knowledge of the history and customs of Cork which made his tour absolutely fascinating.  He was ably assisted by Nuala Buckley who was also an incredible fount of information on all things Cork.  As the tour ended, another downpour of rain offered the perfect excuse (as if we needed one!) to seek refuge in the English Market and indulge in the tempting offerings of the Farm Gate Restaurant.

Later that evening we were joined at the Conference Banquet by our invited guests:

ASTI President Gerry Breslin, Retired TUI Secretary Christy Conville and NASUWT/RMA former President Dr David Mahaffey

Apologies were received from:

ASTI General Secretary Pat King, ASTI Honorary National Organiser Kieran Christy and RTA Secretary Denis Desmond

AGM guests

RSTA President Henry Collins with guests Gerry Breslin, Humphrey Twomey and Dr David Mahaffey

The following morning there was a wonderful tour of Cork University.  The sun came out and the campus looked really splendid.  We had a very comprehensive guided tour of the campus, the Quad, the Observatory and finally the Honan Chapel.  Several stayed on for lunch in the Students' Dining Hall before heading home.

It was a really pleasant visit to Cork and our sincere thanks are extended to the members of the Cork Branch for all their hard work in organising the event.  The warmth of their hospitality and the wonderful fellowship and collegialityexperienced by the delegates as they shared meals and conversation will long remain in our memories.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013 15:06

Winter 2012 RSTA Newsletter

Tuesday, 26 February 2013 14:59

Autumn 2012 RSTA Newsletter

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